The cat was seen on the edge of the Parker Lime Quarry on Gibsons Rd, at a distance of
about 30 meters standing on a ridge by Volunteer Fire fighter Carl Swanson (18) during a Search and Rescue
During the exercise Swanson plyed the part of a victim in a car in the quarry, as he was waiting
to be rescued he look up the hill and saw the Cat.
He described the cat as being about the size of a Labrador and about two metres long.
He commented.
" I told my colleague and it (the lion) was actually looking at us... like staring for a good one
minute before it stood up and started walking on the edge of the quarry".
He also said "That was the walk of a lion.... really soft.
The cat was decribed as massive and kept walking around and eventually disappeared.
There have apparently been no reports of cattle or sheep maulings in the area.
John Bomar - Volunteer Fire Brigade chief began investigating the incident and came across a local
man who is now a Minister.
Bowmar said "Hes no idiot".
"(He) saw it years ago, he was out duck shooting. It was a huge cat. There was no point in me shooting
it. I turned tail and ran".
Bomar had been told the fireman reported the incident to the police
Parker Lime Company Quarry Manager talked to staff about the incident and they felt it may be one
of the extremely large cats that prowl the bush around the quarry site.