Recently on my favourite site
for crypto information - Loren Coleman asked "What is the Yowie"
After some consideration on the
matter and from what I have read in the past I began to form a theory that the Yowie is a marsupial version of Bigfoot, the
product of Australia’s covergent evolution.
What is covergent evolution?
Its where a species evolves to
fill a niche occupied by a normally different species anywhere else.
In this case -
Thylacaleo, a marsupial,
evolved in Australia to take the place of Big Cats on other continents, The Thylacine took the place of wolves and hunting
dogs, sugar gliders became Australias squirrels and Wombats took the place of Badgers.
There was also mega fauna in the form of Zygomaturus and Diprotodon.
All marsupials. There is no reason why a Marsupial form of ape should not have evolved in Australia to fill
the same niches as the great apes.
This has happened before in splendid isolation on the island of Madagascar, a giant form of Lemur evolved –
the tretretretre
said to be half Lemur and half Man, the species referred to is of course the extinct Megaladapis. This animal was quite capable
of standing and walking upright and had a “very human face”.
Another thing that points to their being marsupial in nature is that most sightings
of these homonids and the eye witness drawings show an animal with a protruding belly. Much like is seen in the malnourished
and yet these seem to be healthy individuals. Could the “pot belly” be a juvenile in the pouch.
If this species does exist is it a cousin of the New Zealand Moehau?
If this species was present on Gondwana then it is possible it was also present on Zelandia,
the piece of Gondwana that broke off to become New Zealand during the Late Cretaceous.
That would explain how ape like beings came to be present on an island as isolated as
New Zealand.
New Zealand biogeographically is a lot different from Australia and the evolution of
a more bigfoot like creature would best have suited the heavily forested and bush covered terrain. With no large predators
the Moehau could afford to evolve a more placental style of reproduction.
I believe both these species could be a very primitive form of ape that roamed during
the Late Cretaceous.
This would explain why hominid footprints have been found throughout the world with
dinosaur prints.
These animals are not modern man but are far older.
This Theory is still very much work in progress and I shall update as more information
becomes available in my research.